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Writer's picture: Dillon CasellaDillon Casella

From the moment of our initial breath, as air fills our lungs, judgment fills our blood. As easily as oxygen passes through our body, our eyes lock with another, and a first impression is drawn. Without judgment, humans would never have developed that poison. Judgment is the main ingredient to the recipe for hate.

It seems to be inevitable that we will be both continuously, and unwillingly judged throughout this life. Your family will judge you, your friends, lovers, strangers, fuck… maybe even God herself. Oh but wait, don’t be so quick to hate, because you do the same shit. As do I.

Thankfully, some people seem to already be aware of this. That truly is the first step to attacking the problem, becoming aware.


It is beyond our control to judge one another, to an extent.

When an initial interaction is made, due to our ego, a subconscious judgment is formed based on exterior alone. However, not only can you stop your ego from showing, but you can tell your ego “Go Fuck Yourself”.

If you are simply able to let go of your ignorance, pay attention to your thoughtless actions, then you can easily open your eyes up to the exact source of the subconscious problem.

Whether it’s from infancy, or it is taught ignorantly to us later in life; both sides of any conflict are unknowingly answering questions about one another's personalities that we simply do not have the right to answer factually.

Let’s say we do meet that stranger and share a connection. Now that we have broken past our initial impression with this person, we have opened up an opportunity to dive into a deeper bond. After creating some sort of relationship, we must know quite a bit about each other's emotions then, right? Through this, we can dictate how caring, or hateful one could be in this evolving relationship.

Thus, leaving it up to us to decide whether people are fun, boring, cool, or a lame. What really defines us as people is deciding immediately whether someone is a person we want as a friend or a person we feel the need to hate. It's the ability to be open to a new relationship with different people that separates you from the weak-minded.

We might share a lunch or two, have a few rounds at the bar on a night off, or hell, even date! We now know much more about each other's lives than before. The ability to judge one another based on character, rather than the original perceived approach, allows for an actual understanding of the human soul.

The most fucked up thing is our initial silent judgments are really not an indicator of our actual thought. It could all be locked in the back of our minds; just waiting to be used for an argument that could erupt in the future.

The most dangerous part, as natural humans, is when our emotional guard goes down. At that point, we have already mixed together the exact ingredients, based on each other's lives as a whole, to create the perfect poison to an individual's unique spirit.

Each life, as well as each soul, has its own perfect recipe to be determined. Therefore, there is no reason to judge the life of any, other than your own. The problem will only multiply itself unless we learn to not only recognize, but adjust the fault in our actions.

Taking Control

Do you see the deeper perspective now?

Understand that even though you may be on a path to reaching your highest potential, this does not mean that someone who is living a completely different lifestyle is not on a similar path.

Do you really want to be the one who continues on with your life completely careless of those around you?

Most of the time people do not get to this point in each other's lives unless they have built some sort of trust between one another. Don't knock it till you try it, but especially don’t judge someone else for trying it.

Then again, some do not understand. They see no problem and refuse to change. We all want to leave a mark on this beautiful world, so why not make it a good one?


Flooding the Earth with more hatred to be absorbed is no way to approach making this world a better place. It is important to sit with yourself and notice. Not just notice the problem, but to notice where you stand.

Nowadays it seems so easy to care about ourselves more than others, due to the simple fact that we all want personal success. There isn’t necessarily anything wrong with working towards reaching the life you dream of, the problem is that through that internal focus, we create bad habits.

Take a step back away from your tunnel vision and it is obvious to understand. There is no right or wrong way, there is only the path that makes the most sense for our specific lifestyles.

Finally, we approach each other's souls.

The very parts that carry us throughout the journey of our lives are our passions and beliefs. Each life, as well as each soul, has its own perfect recipe to be determined. Therefore, there is no reason to judge the life of any, other than your own.

In order to create a more accepting society for the purpose of promoting peace and love among this Earth, it is vital to not only understand the problems that judgment creates, but to find some sort of passion within yourself to diminish the issue.

To the ones who want to change, do me a favor and become clear of what type of judgment it is that you spread as well as how you spread it. Teach yourself to understand at what point the problem begins to develop, towards whom, and why.

If you find yourself talking shit behind someone's back, maybe don’t talk about people in their absence. Find the problem, create a solution. It’s that simple.

To those of you who refuse to see the destruction that we all cause.

To those who are too ignorant to understand the heart and soul that each human has.

To those who would fuck over their own brothers and sisters for their own selfish desires.

To those who find that currency is more important than equality and love.

To you all, I respectfully say… Go Fuck Yourselves.


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