“Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end.”
-Bob Marley
Each day we wake, we are in search of something; a conversation, some excitement, a possession, or anything else that can somehow leave us satisfied before we shut our eyes at the end of the day.
Why is that? Along with each breath that we take in, we exhale our hope of reaching fulfillment.
Throughout our endless journey of achieving fulfillment in this lifetime, most people tend to get distracted.
We begin to chase materialistic objects and become blinded on our directionless path; but for what reason?
Arguably because our possessions are the easiest way to measure our successes. It's a real thing that you and I can measure and hold, so we begin to place its value above all else. This form of happiness is short-lived and addicting, and it is important that we do our best to prioritize people, nature, and empathy above all else in order to understand our true desires.
We may not come to notice this false satisfaction until either an extended amount of time and experience has passed, or until some kind of life-changing event occurs. Until then, leaving us stranded on a path of sustained trial and error.
This trial and error are not necessarily pointless, as it allows us to discover what does and does not serve us along our personal venture. Aiding us in understanding ourselves.
Oddly enough, rather than spending the duration of our time on this beautiful Earth by loving and experiencing our lives to the fullest, most commonly, we utilize all of our energy by attempting to scrape up the most amount of currency that we can… because money equals happiness, remember?
Money does not buy happiness, love, or fulfillment for that matter. Meaning that… as it may be a very enjoyable trait to possess, by the end of your experience on this planet, no amount of currency will obtain the ability to provide you with a smile at the time your last breath is taken.
I may not be the most experienced man to open his mouth, but throughout my own trial and error, I have found that my time is the most valuable thing I possess. I understand that money is essential in today's society, however, I have found that shifting my life purpose towards achieving actual pure happiness, is the most valuable way to use my most prized possession, time.
It is nobody's choice other than my own, to use that precious time in ways that either enhance my happiness and pleasure or my pain and misery. Sadly, this realization of mine came with a larger price tag than I had ever imagined. It is hard work changing yourself, but I promise the results are worth it.
Within the short 23 years I have spent on this planet, I have had the unfortunate pleasure of experiencing Rock Bottom very early on.
Let me inform you, if you ever come to experience this Hell on Earth, just like me, you may come face to face with your very own versions of “God” and “The Devil.” At that very moment of meeting them, it becomes apparent that you only have two options of what to live for. My only advice… be sure you don’t sell your soul to the wrong one.