Born into the flock the same as any other, he stood out from all the other sheep that roamed; shouldering the burden of rejection through the grassy fields of their home deep within the woods.
As the beautiful Raven kept guard from above, she showed unconditional love and so adored the wild dreams the burdened sheep had of the Mystical Lakes. The Beloved Raven particularly found, not only the sheep’s imagination, but his curiosity to be innocently beautiful. The bird gave him a feeling of comfort that the rest of his flock did not seem to show. He was young and clueless, making it difficult to understand the reasons as to why those who wore the same wool resented him.
Whispers danced across the grassy fields they called home, singing of how the flock had pre-destined the outcasted sheep for failure.
While the shimmering stars came and went, inversely, his inability to fit in did not budge. He attempted to stifle his dreams, mimicking the others in his flock as a cry for help; all in hopes that he would be treated equally. The sheep struggled deeply with these internally conflicting attempts to adjust his identity. He sought guidance from the only one he trusted, the wise blackbird.
The Raven did her best to understand this discouragement that the sheep felt. No matter the number of attempts to illustrate the horrible feelings boiling within, the sheep struggled to convey his innermost conflicts. It was as if his tongue would swell upon his descriptions.
In order to assist the sheep in finding the solutions to his problems, the blackbird had suggested that he follow his dreams, for what if they were the answers that he long searched for?
A look of shock masked the sheeps' face. How had he not realized his unfulfilled dreams were the exact source of the problem in the first place? Finally coming to a decision to take on the gamble, as he did not have much to live for anyways.
Without much hesitation, the sheep had taken off on his journey. Keeping a fearless demeanor as he covered more ground between he and his flock than ever before.
Strangely enough, the further he traveled, the more he uncovered a deeper understanding of his place in the world.
Along the way, interacting with characters who not only found interest in his voice, but knew of the exact lakes he joyously sang about. Leaving the sheep with the ability to fill his emptiness with the feeling of hope that he once used to have.
Even though the universe had shown him improvement throughout his travels, the sheep still did not feel as if he fit in anywhere along the way.
Just as his overthinking began to race, the sheep had passed through a thick tree-line deep within the pines. As he thrashed through the final obstacle, a clearing emerged. Opening him up to the wide-open mountain range, surrounding the beautiful glistening water that he had forever obsessed over.
In a sweeping wave, the feeling of hopelessness that resided within him had disappeared all at once, for he had finally seen the truth that his dreams were able to possess.
Standing there in awe, almost unable to process the astonishing beauty of the Mystical Lakes that stood before him.
A deep breath passed through the lungs of the sheep, he had found the courage to wipe away his tears and approach the light that reflected off of the water.
He had noticed a splash against him. Looking down towards the sensation, admiring the ripples of the water as they began to still. Leaving the sheep with a clear mirroring image. Noticing, for the first time, the exact difference that had set him apart from his flock ever since the beginning.
Strangely, the answers he discovered did not scare him. In fact… he loved what he saw. The sheep realized, in that moment, that he was not crazy. He was not destined for failure. He was not anything that anyone had ever claimed him to be.
He was simply different.
The sheeps’ newfound comfort did not come from others’ understanding, nor did it come from their acceptance. In fact, he understood at that very glance, that he may never receive any of those things.
The comfort that filled his soul came from his own understanding of himself. The Earth as well as all who live among it may never accept him. What really matters is the fact that he now knows who he is.
In the end, that is all that truly fucking matters. The ability to not only understand WHO you are, but to embrace the fuck out of it.
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