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Writer's pictureDillon Casella


Let me paint a picture for you… Whether you have or have not, imagine you’re growing up at the bottom of the chain. Trapped in a poor neighborhood, one filled with crime and hatred. Constantly worrying about getting to see another day.

Despite the reasoning, your family is not there to help you and maybe friends are out of the question; either by having a hard time making them or simply not being accepted.

You try to find hope beyond that neighborhood, though due to a distinct difference about you, whether it be money, your ethnicity, gender, etcetera, you understand that this world inevitably forces you into the exact situation you are in. Causing the escape of your predicament, or even finding success in general, to be damn near impossible.

So… what the fuck would you do?

As a blessed white man, I am not necessarily upset about the level of discomfort found from the thought of current gang relations. I am more upset with the way society has turned the blame towards the victims.


Humanity seems to portray this “drugs, money, and theft” image around gang life. As if the relations of all these individuals started over sharing a common interest for crime and violence. Shit, at least that's the belief that was forced upon me while growing up!

However, when we are able to come to a more logical realization of the whole situation, we may find reasoning as to how these communities began in the first place.

For most individuals involved… it may have been their only option.


I personally believe there is a certain understanding that society desperately needs to become aware of. That there is a reason, a serviceable reason, as to why gangs became apparent.

These intimidating groups did not come about for no apparent purpose. In fact, they were formed as a way to offer love, money, and protection to those who do not obtain it and are possibly, due to their surroundings, incapable of achieving it.

As humans in this world, love and money are the two specific things that we all unknowingly chase. From birth till death.

However, what exactly are these groups offering protection from, crime? Other gangs? In today’s world… sure! Though what about in the beginning?

Within recent years of the past(if not current), it was even more likely for these poor neighborhoods to live out of constant fear of the unfair world rather than their environment. A world that consistently favors the upper class.


I ask you, as a human… if your family, home, friends, loved ones, or yourself personally, lived in not only sustained fear and danger, but lacked any love, money, or protection to save you from that fear… would you be open to the possibility of accepting a new family that was willing to offer you exactly that?

Whether gang activity creates a negative or positive atmosphere, in which it has the ability to do both, it is important to understand the reasoning as to why these groups formed in the first place.

Gangs did not come about with dangerous or negative tendencies in mind. It may be a hard pill to swallow for some, but they in fact formed with a beautiful fucking purpose… to provide for the humans who are not provided for.


Big Meech provided many struggling and hopeless individuals with faith and support.

The Mob went about doing anything they felt was necessary, in order to allow their family tree to live lives full of good health and great wealth.

Pablo Escobar built more housing and hospitals for his community than any leaders that held similar power before him.

All while the United States military offers strength and control as a way to provide protection for its citizens to live freely.

Despite our personal interpretations… every gang has a purpose.

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1 Comment

Samantha Woods
Samantha Woods
Jan 26, 2022

I had never given this topic much thought past the initial knee-jerk reaction that gangs are just entities full of violence. Thank you for providing a new perspective.

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