There is a unique perspective carried by a select few within this world, a beautiful understanding of nature and all it has to offer. A comprehension that the nourishments our bodies need to function are meant to be natural.
Through the use of organic oils, herbs, produce, and medications; one can achieve a perfect state of balance without the use of chemicals and modernized pharmaceuticals to achieve our healthiest state of being.
Those of us that recognize this opportunity nature provides, use natural medicines that allow for the stretching of our hearts and minds in ways we never thought possible.
Self-medication can carry negative connotations, especially when someone is abusing pharmaceuticals without a doctor being aware. Though, nature has opened doors to organic medicine since before humans were even aware of bacteria and diseases.
This way of treatment does not mean taking hallucinogens with your friends and laughing together. The intentions of individuals who abide by self-medicating are far more advanced in terms of how they use these gifts bestowed.
These psychoactive substances we choose to cross paths with are used as a way to open parts of our consciousness. Providing the ability to find an understanding of our mental, emotional, and physical traumas that are trapped within our own subconscious minds.
This leaves us to explore through a mix of beautiful, but terrifying, realities to cure hidden problems; rather than only mask the pain with an over-the-counter pill.
I have chosen this exact path, to explore every direction in terms of caring for my mental health. Choosing to live this way is not easy, in fact, it has been quite the opposite.
The self-medication I speak of is used to potentially heal a wide variety of issues humans struggle to live with such as injury, illness, mental/emotional imbalance, and more.
There are certain situations, where taking a simple pill to help calm overbearing pain is necessary, and this is not to say people don’t need certain modern medications to continue on with a higher quality of life. Though it is needless to say, our society has grown comfortable with abusing this exact philosophy.
The mind, body, and soul rely on various symptoms of pain to respond properly to an imbalance that has erupted.
Prescribed medications may be very beneficial at covering up certain side effects. However, using this method in large quantities ineffectively over time to cure any form of illness or injury is a ridiculous way of caring for a patient. Tolerable pain or discomfort found within our anatomy may be necessary to focus on the root of the issue instead of covering it up like a band-aid.
Individuals such as myself, usually do not end up on this path of self-medicating unintentionally. In fact, I have found in relation to others, that making the switch to live this way usually results from some sort of awakening human experience.
I do not self-medicate because I love the effects of the medicines I choose to consume. Personally, I self-medicate because I had to watch my father become permanently disabled to an extent far beyond what should have been.
Due to lousy advice from medically licensed individuals, as well as the array of medications that were prescribed to him to mask his brain damage, rather than reverse it and attempt to treat the root of the impairment.
I truly see the importance that the medical field has on our society, as well as obtaining deep respect for the dedication of the individuals involved in this field of work.
However, I obtain a deeper understanding of what it means to “heal” a human…
I have been told that my genes may have destined me for similar traumas as my family members, though I refuse to accept this as my reality.
If I have to smoke pot, take a few doses of Psilocybin, or take on any spiritual journeys resulting from the indulgence of Ayahuasca, Peyote, San Pedro, Yopo, or any other organic substances this world has to offer, to find true healing of my personal traumas, then so fucking be it. This life is what I choose it to be… nothing less.
Living organically has caused great strides to be made in my life. This has been no easy undertaking, as I have had to face every consequence that has come my way.
I have lived through years of trial and error to understand the importance of when, where, why, how, and for what reason to take the medications of my choosing.
As I have said before, pain is an important part of our healing. After all the tribulations I have faced, I truly understand that now. I am not cured, but for the first time in my life, I truly feel as if I am on my way.
I would hope anyone out there feeling stuck, addicted, or in pain, will at least consider natural options as a way to heal their mind, body, and soul. As a man who has been put through Hell and back, quite literally, I have to say… taking on this journey has been the most beautiful fucking experience and I will forever thank myself for being open-minded enough to do so.
#thedeeperperspective #TDP #medicine #selfmedicate #selfmedication #natural #naturalmedicine #organic #healing #selfhealing #spirit #openmind #openminded #ayahuasca #cannabis #weed #yopo #peyote #sanpedro #nativemedicine #nativehealing #ceremony #lifechanging #love #peace